Monday, April 6, 2009

The Caterpillars Came!!

And they've already entered the Pupa stage! Here they are hiding out in their chrysalis:We picked up a butterfly house at Target several weeks ago and sent in the enclosed coupon for caterpillars. They arrived about a week later from a company called Insect Lore. The caterpillars came with food in a sterile cup, so we didn't have to do anything but wait for them to crawl to the top of the cup to make their chrysalis. Once they've all made it to the top (we still have one lurking...) we can move them into their butterfly house. We should have painted lady butterflies in about a week. I'll keep you posted throughout the metamorphosis.


Alison said...

What an awesome little project. I can't wait to see the ladies fly!

MamaWestWind said...

Fun! I would love to do this! We released painted butterflies at our wedding and it was so beautiful!


Tonya said...

That is so cool, although when I first saw the picture, I thought it was coffee LOL

Billie said...

I love butterflies and we do this every year with the children, no matter what school I work at. We should be getting our kit soon.